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Lost: Missing Pieces
Bad Twin
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Bad Twin
This is the Lost book that was written by the writers and a famous mystery writer, who has not been named. There are a lot of Lost references in the book and here is a list of all the ones I have found.
1. Gary Troup (the author of the book) was from New York and supposedly was the guy that got sucked into the plane engine during episode 1 "The Pilot". He was supposed to be a famous mystery writer and he also wrote a book that is simmilar to The Davinci Code. Gary also was in love with Cindy Chandler!!! Yes, that Cindy!!! The flight attendant for Oceanic Flight 815 who was also a part of Ana's group and got kindnapped by "the Others"!!!
2. The Australian publishing company for Gary's book was WALKABOUT!!! That's what Locke was trying to do in Australia when he wanted to go hunting.
3. The book is about Paul Artisan and he is looking for a missing twin brother. One character Cliff WIDMORE, is the good twin. Cliff so far is matching up to be just like JACK!!! He's the good one and he's taking over his father's business. Even the way he was described as looking was simmilar to Jack. Now, his bad twin brother, Alexander "Zander" WIDMORE, is missing and they are looking for him. Zander is a con artist, sleeps with a lot of women, and he steals money!!! They was he is described is matching up to SAWYER!!!
4. The WIDMORES play a lot into Lost too!!! Two of the characters in the season finale are named Cameron Widmore and Pelonepe Widmore!!! Also in Bad Twin, the Widmore family is really rich!!! There company is based out of New York and they own a construction company (a sign in England for Widmore Construction was shown in Charlie's episode), a housing retail company (Locke worked for Widmore Homes selling/inspecting houses), and labs (Widmore Labs made Sun's pregancy test)!!!! It also said that the Widmores were involved with scientific experiments (Dharma???) and illegal things in other countries!!!
5. The numbers play a huge role in the book too!!! They keep popping up everywhere!!!
6. The character Manny Weissman is a lot like Locke. He's old and was a literature professor of Paul's. He gives advice to Paul a lot and is well trusted by Paul.
7. Manny's dog Argos is a lot like Vincent, except he is a chocolate lab. He was named after the Greek myth were Odysseus' (The Odyssey) dog Argos was the only one who reconised him because he aged. Maybe that's forshadowing Walt getting older rapidly and Vincent???
8. References to old book are mentioned. The epic of Gilgamesh which is stated as the first great buddy story (Eko and Locke???). Beowulf, where a hero's journey is told when confronting a monster on who people project their deepest fears (the smoke monster???). Then their is a mention of Plato's Enchantadas, or enchanted islands with special magic (the island???).
9. The lesson of no one can save another person is heavly represented in the book.
10. The idea of people having a doppelganger, or the bad projection of themselves. Possibly could be a twin. They are brought on by remembering bad parts of their past. (Flashbacks???)
11. The Hanzo Foundation is a part of the Widmore Building in New York. They are partners and Paul accidently went into there. They were all scientist with lab coats, but they all acted mysteriously weird.
12. The Widmores had a big business deal with Paik Heavy Industry in South Korea!!! That's SUN's DAD!!! He is even mentioned in the book too.
13. Cliff's (the Jack character) wife was named Shannon and she died of a sucide. And she supposdly was having an affiar with Zander (the Sawyer character).
14. The storyline of Cliff and Zander is also very simmlar to The Prodigal Son from The Bible.
15. Cliff and Zander's father, Authur so far is starting to sound a lot like Christian Shepherd too. Also, Penelope's dad Charles Widmore is very simmilar to Authur too.
16. A guy that works on the ferry boat is described a lot like Hurley.
17. Keith Baker is described a lot like Charlie. He even has the nickname Moth, which was the title of one of Charlie's episodes.
18. The boat Keith was working on was named Escape Hatch. That what was written on the hatch Claire was kept in.
19. Paul's last name Artisan means Shepherd. Just like Jack's last name.
20. They reference The Great Gatsby when Paul talks about spending time with the Widmores.
21. Paul also has a lot of strange dreams. (Claire, Charlie, Locke, and Eko)
22. They also talk a lot about Purgatory and redemption.
23. It is also mentioned that people on islands from a close group, and when one of their own is killed or hurt, they go after others with vengance.
24. Sky, the yoga instructor, Zander's ex girlfriend, and Paul's potentional love intrest is described a lot like Kate.
25. Each part of the book takes place on a different island.
26. Captian Jocko is described like Zeke with a large beard. LOL
27. It references theories and saying that you think you have the right solution, but things happen and makes other theories to go with.
28. The idea of love forming after a tradegy. (All the relationships.)
29. Alvar Hanso used to be on the Board of Directors at the Widmore Building. Now, the company sends someone named Mittlewerk. Something happened to Hanso.
30. They reference Lord of the Flies and how people change when forced to survive.
31. Paul ate at Mr. Cluck's in California!!! That's the restruant that Hurley worked at.
32. Faith is brought up a lot too.
33. The town of Luna is described as a mystic place full of a powerful unknown energy. (The island???)
34. They have a quote in the book "Not all who wander are Lost. There's a reason, a value, in the wandering, the journey."
35. The book references John Locke, the philisopher. they say that religion, science, and laws don't matter. We all just need to be happy.
36. Zander ultimelty went to Australia. It seems like a lot of characters in Lost went there.
37. Zander was supposedly going to an unkown island in the Pacific for business reasons, after he left Australia.
38. The book also references King Lear and how some fathers favor the first born over the other children. Maybe a reference to Jack, Claire, and Christian?
39. Cindy, the flight attendant, serves Paul as he is on an Oceanic flight to Sydney.
40. Pru, Paul's girlfirend, is simmilar to Kate.
41. As the book goes on, Paul is very simmilar to Jack.
42. The book says that Australian women fall in love a lot with American guys. Maybe Christian and Claire's mom?
43. The book references the overall fight between good and evil, black and while. What Lost is all about.
44. Zander was in the business of making Black Pearls. On Lost, one hatch is named The Pearl and there is also The Black Rock.
45. The date November 28th, 2004 is mentioned as when Scotish Fudlism ended. I think that is close to the date the season 2 finale took place on!!! And Desmond is Scotish!!!
46. Lizzard Islands seem eerily simmilar to the Lost island.
47. Shannon's (from Lost) ex-boyfriend from Australian Brian is in the book. He's the one Boone tried to pay off to leave her in "Hearts and Minds"!!!
48. Paul, Pru, and Zander take another Oceanic flight from Sydney to Hawaii, to LA, then to New York.
49. The book references 40 day fasting. Eko took a 40 day vow of silence after killing 2 "Others".
50. The idea that money brings bad luck. Hurley!!!
51. The first Widmore to come to America was named Bernard.
52. The book mentions the God is the only one who controls our destineys.
53. Zander was giving away all his fortune to help the family out. Half was going to help get medicene to Cuba. The other half was to buy islands in the pacific as pearl fams for the indigenous people to run!!! He was going to build them houses and make it a paradise!!!