Episode Guide
Lost: Missing Pieces
Bad Twin
Links & Contact Info
Links and Contact Information
Here are some links to other Lost websites:
Offical Site
- The Official ABC Site for Lost
- A Multimedia/Picture/Download Site for Lost
The Fuselage
- A Message Board for Lost fans to interact with the cast, crew,
and other fans
- A Message Board for Lost fans to interact
Lost at Spoilerfix.com
- A Spoiler Site for Lost
Sledgeweb's Lost...Stuff
- A Lost Timeline/Character Site
Lost Fanfiction
- A Lost Fanfiction Site
Oceanic Airways
- Offical Interactive Lost Site with games and hidden clues for season 1
Oceanic Flight 815
- Offical Interactive Lost Site with games and hidden clues for season 2
The Lost Fanclub
- Offical Fanclub for Lost
My Fanfics
Here are links to fanfiction that I have written.
Thicker than Water: Family is the most important thing. Jack and Claire Shepherd depend on each other through all their tough times. This is the story of two siblings and their journey through love, death, birth, and life. Teen Jate, PB&J, some Conmamma reference, and Sana (AU)
Family Ties: Post season 2 finale. When shocking secrets from the past come to light, the castaways are forever changed. My version of season 3. JATE, PB&J, SawyerOC. Some possible spoilers for season 3.
Contact Information
If anyone has any questions/comments/concerns/conplaints please e-mail me at: buffyfan145@yahoo.com
You can also vist me at my xanga site here. I am also on all the Lost message boards and my username is buffyfan145.