Episode Guide
Lost: Missing Pieces
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Lost Episode Recap
Here is the complete episode guide. The list will be updated shortly after every episode airs.
Episode 4.1 "The Begining of the End"
A Hurley Episode
A high-speed car chase in Los Angelus was happening in the future! We had NO idea who it was, but it was a red Camero. It switches to someone watching this live on TV. It’s JACK watching it with his breakfast, which consisted of alcohol and orange juice. Jack gets VERY upset and knows who is driving the car. The cops stop the car and it’s HURLEY! As the cops arrested him Hurley shouts, “I’m one of the OCEANIC 6! I’m famous! You can’t do this to me!” Later, Hurley is at the police station when Officer Mike questions him. He asks Hurley if he knew Ana-Lucia, which was Mike’s partner! Mike said if they met it should have been BEFORE the crash, since only 6 SURVIVED! However, Hurley says no, that he never met her. Mike then asks why Hurley ran out of a convenience store startled. Hurley won’t say and Mike leaves frustrated. However, as Hurley watches he gets freaked out again. He looks over at the separation glass, but it’s turned into an OCEAN and someone swims up to it! It’s CHARLIE and on his it says “THEY NEED YOU”! And Charlie touches the glass and water starts to fill the room! Hurley starts screaming, and Mike comes in and the room is fine. But he’s decided to send Hurley back to Santa Rosa Mental Hospital. Which Hurley is actually happy and grateful for. Back on the island, Hurley calls Jack to see how things went with the phone. Jack tells him happily that rescue is coming! Hurley gets excited and starts to tell everyone all the good news. Meanwhile, Jack and Kate discuss what they are going to do next. Jack wants everyone to go back to the beach to get ready. Then when Kate asks what they are going to do about Ben, Jack says he’s going to KILL him! Kate understands and asks if they are really going home. Jack smiles and says they really are, which makes Kate overjoyed. Claire, Sun, and Rose have a close moment thinking about their futures off island. Sun can’t wait to see Jin and have her baby in a hospital, while Rose is happy to see Bernard too. Rose tells Claire she has some major thanking to do for Charlie, and Claire is excited to see him again too, not knowing he is really gone.
Danielle and Ben are watching over Alex and Karl, and Ben tells her that she needs to take Alex and leave. These people are coming and they will kill them all! However, Danielle is skeptical, and when Ben says HIS daughter, she punches him in the face! She states that Alex is HER daughter. Back at the beach, Hurley and Bernard talk about going home. Hurley finally reveals to Bernard that he won the lottery and is really rich. But he hopes the money is gone. He doesn’t want it anymore. Bernard understands, and encourages Hurley to do a cannonball dive in the water! Which Hurley did and had a lot of fun! However, when he gets out of the water, he spots Desmond coming back with the canoe! Hurley runs over and everyone starts asking questions about what happened. However, Hurley wants to know where Charlie is. Everyone stops, noticing Charlie’s not there. Desmond with tears in his eyes tells them that Charlie drowned after talking to Penny, letting him know that these people coming are not coming to rescue them. Everyone is shocked and blown away that Charlie is gone. Back at the radio tower, Jack got another call from Minioski on the freighter. They said he would need to change the settings so they could get a location. However, Kate looked back and noticed Naomi was GONE! She somehow got up and left! Jack went over to Ben and asked what happened, but Ben played dumb. At the beach, Sawyer, Sayid, Juliet, and Desmond start to discus what to do next. Sawyer thinks that they should call Jack to tell him about Charlie. However, Hurley gets upset and takes the walkie from him and throws it in the ocean! Hurley says they just need to go find Jack and leave the beach. Everyone is shocked, but they all decide to follow him. Grabbing their guns. Meanwhile, Jack decides to take a group to go find Naomi. He tells the rest to go back to the beach camp for when rescue comes. They all listen and start to head off. Jack tells Claire before she leaves to give Charlie a HUG thank you from him, and Claire looks at Jack admiring and says she will.
Jack decides to take Danielle with him, as well as Ben, since he doesn’t want him out of his sight. Kate comes back over and found a trail of blood, but suggests she go check out a dummy trail. Jack starts to laugh telling her it’s reminding him of the old days and Kate laughs too. They them say they’ll have plenty to talk about on the rescue boat.
However, Jack wants her to go back with the rest and Kate finally agrees. Kate wishes him well and gives Jack a HUGE long hug! Which Ben looked at quiet oddly. Jack and Kate then parted and went on their separate ways. In the future, Hurley was at the mental institution and was playing Connect 4, when a tall man came to see him. His name was Matthew Abbadon and he was Oceanic Airlines lawyer. He wanted to give Hurley an offer of a better mental hospital, but Hurley saw right throught it. Suddenly Matthew asked him “The rest are alive, aren’t they?” Hurley freaked and told him to get out. Matthew did, but gave a very creepy look! That night on the island, Hurley and the rest were walking and Sawyer tried to talk to Hurley about Charlie. However, Hurley didn’t want to and Sawyer told him he was sorry and walked off. Hurley walked alone for a bit, till he heard strange noises! He started to run, and then saw JACOB’S SHACK! Jack, Danielle, and Ben found more blood, but didn’t see Naomi yet. Jack went to reach for the phone, but it was GONE! Ben suddenly said, “I’m surprised you didn’t notice. Kate took it when she hugged you.” Jack was shocked, and realized he should have known that Kate would do that. Kate, meanwhile, was looking for Naomi herself when a call came on the phone! Kate picked it up and it was Minnoski again, and when he asked about Naomi, Kate hung up. That’s when BLOOD dripped on Kate, and NAOMI jumped out of the tree and held a knife to her throat! Naomi was VERY upset that they tried to kill her, but Kate explained that it was Locke, not them. They want her help and Kate gave Naomi the phone. Naomi called Minnoski and fixed the phone for a signal. They realized where she was and sent a chopper. Naomi told them to tell her sister that she loved her. That’s when Naomi really died. At Jacob’s shack, Hurley went up to the window and looked in. A light was on, and he saw the rocking chair and a picture of a hound dog. Suddenly he saw CHRISTIAN SHEPARD (Jack and Claire’s dad) sitting there and someone else’s face popped up and looked back at Hurley! Hurley was FREAKED and ran off. However, when he turned around the SHACK APPEARED! It MOVED. Hurley ran again, and tripped. But when he looked up Locke was standing over him and smiling. Hurley and Locke met Sawyer, Sayid, Desmond, Juliet, Bernard, and Jin at the plane’s cockpit. However, Sayid was NOT happy to see Locke after all he did and went to “the Others”. Suddenly they heard noises and the rest of the camp met them. Jin and Sun, Rose and Bernard and everyone else were SO happy. However, Claire started to look for Charlie. Sawyer looked so sad at her, and Desmond was going to tell her, but Hurley said he should. Hurley walked over and told Claire and Aaron that Charlie was gone. Claire burst into tears, and Hurley hugged her as he cried himself. Everyone else heard the news and shock and grief hit them all. In the future, Hurley was drawing outside, when a fellow patient told him a guy was here to see him. When he looked, he saw CHARLIE! Charlie’s hair was shorter and he looked really well off. Charlie smiled at Hurley and said he wanted to talk. Hurley freaked out and screamed you not REAL you’re DEAD! Charlie nodded and said he is dead, but he was also really there. Hurley wouldn’t believe him, and Charlie SLAPPED HIM! Which really hurt Hurley’s face. So they sat down and Charlie talked to him saying he had to go back. They other castaways need him and they weren’t supposed to leave. That’s why the cops chased Hurley. He SAW Charlie at the convenience store. Charlie explained that he did die to help them and that is was ok, it was his time. Now, they just have to go back to the island. Hurley didn’t know what to do, but Charlie disappeared when he opened his eyes.
Back on the island, Jack, Danielle and Ben finally met up with the rest. Jack ran over to Locke and punched him, and took his gun and pointed it at him! Everyone was shocked and Locke said he wouldn’t pull the trigger, but Jack DID! Except it was a blank, Locke unloaded it. Sawyer and Sayid pulled Jack off of Locke and Jack tried to explain to everyone why they couldn’t believe him and that Locke was wrong. Jack told them all about Naomi and Locke stabbing her, but them Kate came back and told them Naomi just died and rescue was on their way. Jack and Locke were still fighting when Hurley yelled at them to stop. He explained that Charlie died trying to warn them, that Naomi’s people were bad, and couldn’t be trusted. Jack and Kate realized that he was gone and both started crying, as well as Claire. Then suddenly Hurley made up his mind. He was going with Locke. So the survivors spilt in two. It started to rain and Hurley, Claire, Sawyer, Ben, and some more went with Locke to “Othersville”; while Kate, Juliet, Sayid, Jin/Sun, Bernard/Rose, and Desmond stayed with Jack. In the future, Hurley was playing basketball in the gym when he had another visitor. This time is was JACK! They were very happy to see each other and Jack said he was a doctor again, but the celebrity status took some getting used too and he was thinking of growing a beard. He still kept singing autographs. Jack and Hurley played a game of horse and Jack wanted to make sure Hurley wasn’t going to tell the truth about what really happened to them. Hurley was upset and told Jack he realized they need to go BACK to the island! Jack was stunned and said he was NEVER going back there! However, Hurley said he would change his mind. Back on the island, Jack was looking into the cockpit when Kate came over. He couldn’t believe how long ago it felt when he, Kate, and Charlie first found it. They were grieving over Charlie. Suddenly, Jack and Kate heard noises and it wasn’t thunder, it was a HELICOPTER! The light found them and they raced over to where they saw something parachute out. When they found it, a man took off his helmet and asked if he was Jack.
Episode 4.2 "Confirmed Dead"
A Dan, Miles, Charlotte, and Frank Episode
Underwater cameras and people on the Christine I was looking for a sunken ship! If you all played the Find 815 game, it’s was Sam’s boat and they were looking for The BLACK ROCK! Then we see that the robots actually find the WHOLE WRECKAGE OF FLIGHT 815! It’s all intact! Then it switches to Dan watching it on his TV at home in Massachusetts. He’s sobbing and a woman asks why he’s crying, but he says he doesn’t know. On the island, we seeing the helicopter get hit by lighting and everyone jumps out! Dan jumps and lands safely, and we see him meet Jack and Kate. He smiles and tells them he’s here to rescue them. He tells Jack and Kate that they have to find the rest of his crew so they all head off to help him. The next morning, Locke leads the group and tells them they have to stop at a cabin. They are confused why, but Locke tells them that WALT told him too! Hurley also says that the cabin moves, telling Locke and Ben that he can see Jacob too. Sawyer doesn’t believe Locke, but Locke tells him that when Ben shot him, Walt came to him. Sawyer asks how he’s walking, and Locke shows them all his bullet wound! He says loosing his kidney saved his life! Hurley and Claire are freaked out, but it seems like they kind of regret their decision not to stay with Jack. At the beach, Sayid and Juliet bond as they talk about being able to go home and a new trust forms between the two. Meanwhile, Dan, Jack, and Kate are walking when they notice Dan is carrying oxygen masks and a GUN! They ask Dan what exactly they are doing there, and Dan tells them “rescuing them isn’t their main objective”! Jack and Kate are stunned and when Jack asks what is, Dan gets a beep on the phone! They found Miles location! Jack, Kate, and Dan go to the rocks and find Miles passed out! Jack goes to inspect him for injuries, when he points his gun at Jack! Kate and Dan are freaked and try to tell Miles that they are ok, but Miles says they killed Naomi! She used the code “tell my sister I love her”, and she doesn’t have one. Which he said Jack would use in the same situation. Kate tells him that is was Locke who killed her, and Miles says he’ll ASK Naomi himself! In Miles’ flashback, we learn that he’s a ghost buster in California and hears about Flight 815 on the radio! He’s trying to get rid of a teenage boys ghost, and he finds the money and drugs the kid had! But he took the money! Back on the island, Ben picks a fight with Karl and Alex over their relationship and Karl gets his gun out and tries to shoot him! But Sawyer stops him and tells Karl to cool down. However, Ben picks at Sawyer and tells him he’s taking Kate’s leaving him well. It was a matter of time that Kate realized she should be with Jack. He told Sawyer Jack was probably comforting her right now. That’s when Sawyer blows it and starts to beat the crap out of Ben! Locke pulls him off and tells him not to listen to Ben. Words are his biggest weapon. Meanwhile, Miles is communicating with Naomi’s spirit while Jack, Kate, and Dan watch. Jack and Kate are freaked, but keep waiting and Jack winked at Kate, which made her feel much better. Miles came over and told them that they were right Locke killed Naomi. Kate then tries to sneak behind Dan and pull his gun, but they caught her. As they were about to get Kate, Jack said he had 2 people in the jungle with weapons! Dan and Miles were shocked when Sayid and Juliet met them! Jack planned it all along! Then they get the beep of Charlotte. In Charlotte’s flashback, she’s an anthropologist from England, but working in Tunisia and finds out about Flight 815 being found in the paper. At the dig, they find A POLAR BEAR in the desert with a DHARMA Hydra logo! Charlotte smiles and is VERY happy! Back on the island, Charlotte is hanging upside down in a tree! She’s able to jump into the stream blow and is fine. However, Locke’s group finds her! Back in Jack’s group, Jack, Kate, and Juliet have a funny moment about the misunderstanding of the wink. Kate embarrassed because she thought it was for her but laughs, Juliet giggles too, and Jack is SO not getting any of it! Sayid has Dan and Miles at gunpoint and wonders why they aren’t so surprised at finding them of the world think the Oceanic 815 survivors are dead. Charlotte tries to talk to Locke and the rest and wonders why they aren’t so happy with them coming to rescue them. She asks Claire about Aaron, and Claire says she gave birth on the island. Charlotte smiles and tells them they’ll be home soon. Even Hurley starts to tell them about the tail section people being gone and how long they’ve been there, but Locke stops him. Charlotte asks what is wrong with them, and Locke says they don’t want to be rescued, leaving Charlotte sacred out of her mind! Meanwhile, Dan sees on the phone that Charlotte is running! They group tries to go find her, but when the signal comes, it’s Vincent! Jack and Kate realize that Locke has her! In Frank’s flashback, we see him in the Bahamas watching the news about them finding bodies on the plane. One is of the pilot Seth Norris, but sees that something is wrong! He calls the Oceanic Hotline and says that he needs to speak about the plane! He says that the body is NOT Seth’s! His wedding ring is gone and he always had it on. They ask who he is, and Frank says HE was originally supposed to be Flight 815 PILOT! On the island, Frank craws up and is a little bloody. His phone is broke, so he uses his flare gun, which Charlotte spots but Locke won’t let her leave! They tell her they don’t trust her, and Ben somehow gets Locke’s gun and SHOOTS Charlotte! Sawyer punches Ben out, and Locke goes to check her. However, Charlotte is ok! She wore a bullet proof VEST! Jack’s group finds Frank and tends to him. They ask where the chopper when down, but Frank laughs. He actually landed it safely! And it will fly! But it’s low on fuel. Jack, Kate, Sayid, Dan, and Juliet rush over and see the chopper resting in the valley below. Then we see a NAOMI’S flashback! She’s meeting with MATTHEW from last week’s episode about who her team is going to be! He’s heading it up and picked Dan, Miles, Charlotte, and Frank. Naomi doesn’t like the choices, but Matthew tells her she has too, even if any of them get killed. Back on the island, Kate and Dan try to put Naomi’s body on the Helicopter, but Frank says he won’t have room yet, until he gets more fuel. So Jack and Dan cover it. Miles tries to get a hold of George, but a woman named Regina tells him he can’t come to the phone. Juliet is treating Frank’s wounds and he asks for her name. Juliet tells him, and he shouts to Miles and Dan that he found a NATIVE! Miles flips and asks where he is? They don’t know whom, and he pulls out an older picture saying they were brought to find BEN! Meanwhile, Locke asks Charlotte what they are really there for and she says they came for Ben. Sawyer holds a gun up to Ben and wants to shoot him, but Locke takes the gun himself and tells Alex and Claire to get away so he can kill him! But Ben says he has answers for them! Then Locke finally asks what the smoke monster is, but Ben says he doesn’t know. However, he tells Charlotte that he knows her biographical info and that her teammates are Dan, Miles, and Frank. They ask how he knows, and Ben says he has a SPY on the boat!
Episode 4.3 "The Economist"
A Sayid Episode
Songs: If You Stayed Over - Bonobo
Sayid went over to Naomi’s body and he picked up her bracelet. It has the words “N. I’ll always be with you. RG” Sayid pocketed the bracelet, and went over to join Jack, Miles, Dan, Kate, and Juliet. They were discussing how to get to Charlotte and Sayid decided to lead Miles to get her. Sayid then goes over to Jack and shows him the picture of Desmond Naomi had. Jack realizes they need to get Desmond, and Juliet offers to go to the beach to get him. Sayid and Jack then talk about how they need to keep an eye on Miles, and especially Locke. But Sayid tells Jack he needs to stay at the chopper. Meanwhile, in Locke’s group, they are trying to find Jacob’s cabin, but it’s NO WHERE to be found! Hurley knows it moved and Ben tells everyone Locke is looking for orders on where to go. Everyone is really freaked out, but Locke decides to take them to “Othersville”. At the chopper, Kate tells Jack now he knows what it’s like to be her and she gives him a smile. Jack smiles back and jokes that he should just “wait 20 minuets and go anyway”. Then Jack says that she should go, surprising Kate! Kate thinks he doesn’t trust Sayid, but it’s because of Locke. Kate’s worried that Locke could hurt her, but Jack tells her Sawyer will make sure she’s fine. Kate gets a weird look on her face when he says Sawyer. She decides to go, and leaves off with Sayid and Miles. As they leave, Frank asks Jack where Sayid was from. Jack says Iraq, and Frank thinks he a diplomat. However, Jack laughs and says Sayid was a torturer, leaving Frank freaked out. Dan meanwhile decides to conduct an experiment. Jack asks Frank if Dan’s crazy, and Frank said he did have a caretaker before he joined the mission. Dan explains to Jack that he’s testing how long it takes to send something to the island from the ship. He’s a physicist. Dan calls Regina on the ship and she sends out the missile! It’s supposed to come immediately, but it doesn’t! This leaves everyone confused. Sayid, Miles, and Kate reach “Othersville” and it seems deserted. They go into one of the houses and start to look around. That’s when they hear muffles from a closet, and they find HURLEY tied up! Hurley explains that Locke did it to him and he thinks they went to Ben’s house. They introduce Miles, and Hurley annoyed because “the ship brought another Sawyer”. Hurley then asks Miles if they are really going to kill them all, and Miles turns around and says “Not yet”! Back at the chopper, the missile finally arrives! Dan opens it up and finds clocks. What he sees can’t be right. The clock from the boat is 31 minuets AHEAD! Jack then looks over and sees Juliet coming back with Desmond. Sayid, Kate, and Miles head into Ben’s house. Kate goes into the bedroom and finds it’s empty. Sayid finds a hidden closet behind the bookcase, and it has multiple forms of clothes and passports for other countries! They are Ben’s and he’s somehow able to leave the island! Kate then hears the door and finds Sawyer coming in! He’s tells her to be quiet, but Kate screams for Sayid! She doesn’t trust him anymore. Sayid hears and runs out, only to be held at gunpoint by LOCKE! Hurley set them up! Later, Sayid is held in the game room with Ben! Kate’s stuck in the room, and Sawyer then discuss why he doesn’t want to go home. Sawyer says there is nothing for him out in the real word and he asks her why she would want to go back. Kate says she hates it here, but Sawyer says it’s because of Jack! Kate won’t answer, so Sawyer asks if she could just try to stay with him and play house! Kate has no idea what to say to him next. Locke comes in with a drink for Sayid, but doesn’t offer one to Ben. Sayid tries to tell him that the “Freighter 4” is after Ben and not them, but Locke already knows. He still doesn’t trust than, and Sayid hints that he doesn’t either. Locke asks why he is helping them, but Sayid says he plans to get on the boat. He wants to find out why they are really there. That’s when Locke tells Sayid Ben has a spy on the boat! Sayid wants to know who it is, but Ben won’t tell him. Then Sayid ask to trade Miles for Charlotte. At Jack’s group, Desmond asks Frank why they were looking for him. But Frank says it was just Naomi. He then asks if they know Penelope Widmore, and Frank and Dan share knowing looks but won’t say! Suddenly they all see Sayid and Charlotte! Jack asks where Kate is, and Sayid said she decided to stay! Jack is clearly upset and looks off towards the north to try to understand. However, Sayid has a knowing look. Frank then asks Charlotte if she’s ready to go, but she wants to stay on the island a bit longer! Dan does too, and tells Frank to stay on the exact barring that they came in on. Sayid then suggests they take Naomi’s body, so they put it on the chopper. Sayid, Desmond, and Frank then board and leave the island!
Sayid’s flashfoward shows a WHOLE different character! He’s a HIT MAN working for someone he refers to as his employer. He shoots an Italian man on a golf course once he realizes Sayid is one of the Oceanic 6. Then he calls his employer to tell him that he’s getting more people of the LIST! Sayid then meets a German woman named Elsa and he’s sent to investigate her. However, the 2 fall for each other and Sayid was only supposed to stay a week. Elsa’s employer relies on old technology like pagers, and informs her when he’s in town. When she gets the page, she tries to rush off to leave, but she SHOOTS Sayid!!! She KNEW Sayid was after her. Elsa calls her employer to tell him to go to the safe house, and about Sayid, and that’s when Sayid forms a diversion by breaking glass, yells his employer is NOT an Economist, and gets his gun and KILLS Elsa! Sayid crawls over and cries, telling her that he had to do it, but he’s sorry. Somehow Sayid is able to go to a Vet’s office, and asks the man to fix him up. We realize Sayid is talking to him employer, and he says it’s good that Elsa’s team knows that Sayid is after him. It’s all part of the plan! He warned Sayid not to fall for Elsa. And Sayid tells him why he had to do this to him again with a woman he loves. The man says that what he has over Sayid had to be done for him to work for him. Then we find out Sayid’s employer is BEN!
Episode 4.4 "Eggtown"
A Kate Episode
Songs: Xandau - Oliva Newton John; She's Got You - Patsy Cline
Locke was making breakfast for Ben, and Ben wasn’t telling Locke who his spy on the boat is. Ben reminded Locke that him being prisoner in the basement is almost exactly like how it was when he was in the hatch. Locke got upset and left Ben in there to starve, while he got upset that Ben was getting to him again. Meanwhile, Kate and Claire were sitting on the porch of the house they are sharing. Claire was rocking Aaron and the two were discussing how weird it was to have houses. Sawyer showed up and wanted to talk to Kate, but she really didn’t want to mess with him. He wanted Kate to move in with him, but Kate told him no and to go back home. Which he listened and left angrily. Sun and Jin were talking about how to take care of their baby. Jin wanted to raise it in the US, but Sun changed her mind and wanted to take them back to South Korea. They stopped talking, when they saw Jack, Juliet, Dan, and Charlotte come. Jack introduced the freighter folk, told them Sayid and Desmond went on the chopper, and Sun asked what happened to Kate. Jack was still upset, but said she stayed behind. Sun was very confused and wondered what Kate was up to. Back in “Othersville”, Kate went to talk to Locke about why he’s keeping Miles, and Locke told her that he’s not Jack and doesn’t have to share everything with her. Kate was stunned, and decided to check things out for herself. She found Hurley outside and told him that she would bring Miles his breakfast since Locke told her to do it. Hurley gave her the tray, but then realized that he shouldn’t have said anything but he let her go. Kate went to the boathouse and talked to Miles. She wanted to know if they know about her past. Miles said he would tell her, if he just got 1 minuet alone with Ben! And Kate agreed to help him! Back at the beach, Jack was trying to call the freighter, and couldn’t get through. Juliet joked that he should call 911. Sun came over and asked them if Dan and Charlotte could be trusted, and Jack said he thought so, but Sun seemed uneasy. Then she reminded Jack and Juliet that Kate must be up to something. She wants off just as bad as they do, and Jack still had no idea what to think. Meanwhile, Kate and Claire were doing laundry when Aaron started to cry. Claire asked if Kate could get him, but Kate said she didn’t feel comfortable. Claire said it took her some time to get used to being a mom, but she loved it. Kate seemed uneasy, but watched how Claire was able to calm Aaron down. Later, Kate stopped by Sawyer’s, and he’s living with Hurley. Hurley was watching “Xanadu”, and he left the room to leave the two alone. Sawyer asked Kate if she was using him for something, and she said yes. She needed to talk to Miles. Sawyer then went to meet with Locke and told him what Kate was going to do. That she was going to bust out Miles! The 2 of them headed to the boathouse, but Miles was GONE! Kate and Miles ran into Locke’s house and found Ben in the basement! Miles then asked Ben if he knew who he was. Ben said yes, and then Miles said he would lie to his employer and tell them Ben was dead if he paid him 3.2 million! Kate was stunned, and Miles said her people don’t know how powerful Ben really is. Ben said he had a deal and Miles said he wanted the money in a week! Kate then took Miles and locked Ben back up, but before they left she pushed Miles against the wall and asked him what they knew about her. Miles said they know she is a fugitive. She let him go and as they were leaving, Locke and Sawyer found them. Kate was back at her house when Claire came to talk to her. She said she hoped things work out for Kate, and Kate was grateful. Locke then came in and Claire left them alone. Kate told Locke that Miles wanted Ben to pay him off, and Locke was thankful for the knowledge. But he told Kate she would be banished and not welcomed back in his group! That night, Kate went back to Sawyer’s bedroom and told him what happened and that she would be leaving. Sawyer didn’t want her to go, but Kate said she had to. She decided to stay the night, and the two starting making out. But nothing else happened between them that night. Back at the beach, Dan and Charlotte were playing cards and Dan wasn’t guessing the cards right like he used to. That’s when Jack and Juliet came over and made Charlotte contact the boat using the emergency number. Regina told them that they hadn’t seem Frank or the chopper yet, and had no idea who the rest where that were coming! Everyone was stunned! The next morning, Locke went back to Miles and told him that he wouldn’t be leaving in a while. He put a grenade in his mouth and pulled the pin! If Miles didn’t keep his teeth on it, he would die! Kate woke up with Sawyer, and he tried to get her to be with him, but she stopped him and didn’t want to. Sawyer was confused and said, they might have a baby in 9 months. That’s when Kate told him she’s NOT pregnant! Sawyer was actually relieved and excited! That’s when Kate got MAD at him! He didn’t understand why she was upset, but Kate didn’t like him acting like a baby was such a big problem. That’s when Sawyer got mad and noticed Kate didn’t seem too sad about going back to the beach. And he said she would just get upset and always go back and fourth between him and JACK! That’s when Kate slapped him and said “I’m AM going back to Jack. Goodbye James”! Then she slammed the door.
In Kate’s flashfoward, her trail finally began for all her past crimes! Even though she was famous as one of the Oceanic 6, she was still held as a murderer. At her bail hearing, they decided to keep Kate in court custody after she pleaded not guilty, so she couldn’t run again. Kate actually had to stay in prison and her lawyer Duncan came to talk to her about bringing in a character witness. Kate told him no, but Duncan said he would help to prove she changed. That’s when Kate said she wouldn’t let them bring in her SON! Her trial began and Duncan called up the next witness for the defense. He called Dr. JACK Shephard! Kate was stunned and turned to see Jack walk in and he gave her a really loving smile! Kate was nervous and Jack took the witness stand and was sworn in. The prosecutor was angry saying that what happened after the crimes didn’t matter, but the judge said it would show what type of person Kate is. Duncan asked Jack to tell the story of what happened after the crash, and he said Kate helped the rest of them get out of the water and onto the island. There were originally 8, but 2 couldn’t be saved! Kate helped first aid and saved him and the other 4. They survived, but almost starved to death before they were rescued! Jack and Kate kept making eye contact through out, and he smiled again at her when he said she was a very good person and couldn’t believe she was a fugitive when she told him. All of a sudden Kate stood up and told Jack to stop! Jack was confused, but the judge made Kate stop and let Jack continue. The prosecutor came up next and only asked Jack one question. She asked him if he LOVED Kate! Jack then said “No, not anymore.” But Jack’s face said differently, as did Kate’s! Kate was then surprised again when she had a meeting with her MOM! Diane was still alive! She was in a wheelchair and on oxygen, but she wanted to see Kate. Kate didn’t want to talk to her, but Diane asked if what Jack said was true. Kate then looked at her and wanted to know why she was asking. Diane said that when she thought Kate died, it changed her whole opinion on things. She still loved Kate and now she’s a mother, and her child needs her. Kate was stunned! Diane said she might not have that much time left, but wanted to see her grandson, and she would not testify against Kate! Kate thought she was blackmailing her, but Diane told her no. She just wants this to end. The trial finally ended when Diane decided not to testify and the prosecutor got a plea deal. Kate would only have to serve 10 years probation! She was finally free! Kate left the courtroom and went into the parking garage to meet her taxi, when a car pulled up and JACK got out! Duncan told him to meet her there! They were SO happy to see each other and that Kate was finally free! Kate thanked Jack for his testimony and said it must have been hard for him to say that fake story again. Jack then smiled and said EVERYTHING he said was false. He still was in love with her! And Kate was VERY happy to hear that! Kate then flirted with Jack and asked him to come home with her, and to see her and the baby! Jack said he wanted to, but had to go to the hospital. But he said maybe they could get together for coffee soon. Kate said she knew why he didn’t want to see the baby, and until he was ok with her son, then they could go out on a date. Jack nodded and helped Kate into her taxi. And before she left, she told Jack that he was welcome at her house any time, and Jack said ok. And Jack watched her drive away clearly wanting to be with her! The taxi then took Kate home to a nice fancy house in LA. She met her nanny and she said her son went down for his nap. Kate went up the stairs and into her son’s room. She was SO happy to see him and he was waking up from his nap. And when he saw her he said “Hi Mommy!” He was 2 years old. Kate smiled and picked her little boy up and said “Hi AARON!!!!”
Episode 4.5 "The Constant"
A Desmond Episode
I’m going to put what happened in 1996 and 2004 separate. But I’ll start with the beginning.
Desmond, Sayid, and Frank were on the chopper. They were flying out to the boat when a storm started. Frank tried to keep the barring at 30.5, but they hit turbulence. That’s when Desmond’s time traveling started.
1996: Desmond traveled back to 1996, when he was still in the British Army. He started to think everything about the island was a dream. But he kept going into the future. So he went to call Penny, but she really didn’t want to talk to him. He traveled again and that’s when Daniel in the future told him to find himself at Oxford University. Desmond went and Daniel was a professor there! Desmond gave Daniel the numbers and told him he knew about Eloise. That’s how Daniel knew he really was going into the future. Daniel showed him an experiment he was doing with Eloise, a white rat. He used high levels of radiation to unstick her in time. It worked and Eloise got through the maze, because she traveled in the future to know how to get there! The hatch explosion really messed up Desmond’s brain! When Desmond came back again, he found out Eloise died, because the time traveling causes death. But Daniel told Desmond that if he had a “constant”, he could be safe. It had to be something that existed in the future as well. It dawned on Desmond who his constant was. PENNY! So Desmond went to find Charles Widmore, who was at an auction for a painting of the BLACK ROCK and a JOURNAL written by a Hanzo! Charles told Desmond where Penny was living at, and Desmond went there. Penny was shocked to see him and angry too. She didn’t want to see the man who left her. But Desmond said he was so sorry and that he still loved her. Now he needed her help. He told Penny to not change her number for 8 years! He would call her on December 24, 2004! Penny was confused and told Desmond to leave, but she did give him her number. He walked away hoping it would work.
2004: Frank was able to land the chopper on the freighter, but Desmond had no idea who anyone was, including Sayid. Some of the workers took Desmond to the sickbay to be checked out by their doctor. He was in there with George Minnoski! The guy who Jack originally talked to on the satellite phone! George told Desmond he was suffering from the same thing. He went out with another worker Brandon to the island, and Brandon already died from it. The doctor came in to check Desmond, and told him that they really didn’t have anything they could do for him. Meanwhile, Sayid was confused how it was night when they took off, and when they landed it was a DAY later! Frank said not to worry about it. Frank gave Sayid the phone and he called Jack. Jack and the rest were SO relieved to hear from them. But Sayid told them about Desmond. Daniel then told Jack to give him the phone, and Jack did confused. Dan talked to Sayid and said he needed to talk to Desmond. Sayid went down into the sick bay, and they fought off some of the workers so Desmond could talk. Sayid even barred the door. Desmond explained what was happening and Dan asked him what year he thought it was. Desmond replied 1996! Jack, Juliet, and Charlotte were freaked, but Dan understood! Dan got Charlotte to give him his journal, and he told Desmond that when he went back to 1996, to go find him at Oxford and give him those numbers and told him about Eloise. Dan remembered that he could help him. When Desmond came back, George told him that they contacted Penny! And Desmond needed to talk to her to save his life! Sayid and Desmond busted out George, because someone else opened the door for them, and they went into the control room, but someone wrecked all their communications. Sayid went to go fix it, and George ended up dying from his time traveling. Sayid finally got the phone to work, and Desmond’s nose started to bleed. He was dying. Desmond got the number and called Penny. He waited for a long time, when finally Penny answered the phone by her Christmas tree! Both Desmond and Penny started crying and said they loved each other SO much! Penny said she’d been searching for him for 3 years, and she knew he was there where Charlie was, and that’s when Desmond’s memory came back! Penny promised him before the phone went off that she found find him soon! His life was saved by his constant!
Back on the island, Daniel looked through his journal more, which was filled with equations, which he found the right page. Daniel wrote back then, “If anything happens to me, DESMOND Hume will be my constant!”
Episode 4.6 "The Other Woman"
A Juliet Episode
Juliet, Jack, Sun, and Jin were trying to find Dan and Charlotte, who disappeared into the jungle. As they went after them, Juliet ran into Harper, her therapist back when she was with "the Others". Harper told her that Ben wants Juliet to kill Dan and Charlotte. They were going to release the gas Ben used to kill all the Dharma people in the purge. Suddenly, Jack came back and saw Harper. Harper introduced herself and said Jack should go along with Juliet. Jack went to look for more people and when he came back, Harper disappeared! Jack tried to ask what Juliet was doing, but she wouldn't give him a straight answer. Kate was on her way back to the beach when she came across Dan and Charlotte. She asked them what they were doing and Charlotte said it was ok to show her the gas masks. Kate looked in and Charlotte knocked Kate out! Daniel was shocked, and Charlotte said they had to get going. Jack and Juliet later found her, and Jack immediately started to take care of her. He was worried about her head and making sure she was ok. And Juliet looked like she could tell who Jack really cared about more. Kate told Jack that Dan and Charlotte had the gas masks, and Jack went to look for Juliet. But she was gone. After Kate was able to walk, Jack and Kate made their way to find them. Jack asked Kate why she stayed, and Kate told him she needed to find out if they knew she was a fugitive. Jack was relieved, thinking it was because of Sawyer, and asked if they know. And Kate said they did. Locke was getting upset again with Ben, epically since he was getting questions from his people. Claire actually wanted to go and talk to Miles! Ben said that this was the price of being a leader, and if you're a bad one, your group would fall. Locke then told Ben that he knew about his payoff to Miles, and he wanted to know some answers. Ben told Locke that if he did, he wanted his own bed and would stay with them willing. He told Locke that there was things he needed to see. Locke allowed Ben upstairs and he had Locke open his safe. Inside it was a tape, and it was originally the Red Sox game Ben showed Jack. But he taped over it with who is in charge of the freighter! We see footage of a limo and a man getting beated, who used to work for Ben. Then person who is doing this is Charles WIDMORE! Ben explains that Widmore wants to exploit the island and all it's powers. Locke understands then that they need to stop him. And Ben tells Locke who his spy is on the boat. Then we see Ben going into his own house and he is set free, leaving Sawyer and Hurley completely shocked! In her flashback, we find out Juliet was having an affair with Goodwin. He was married to Harper, and she warned Juliet that she should be more fearful of Ben! While Goodwin was with the tail section, Ben tried to date Juliet. He was in love with her and was really obsessive!! When Juliet wondered where Goodwin was, he took Juliet to where Ana killed him. That's when Juliet realized that Ben made him stay so he would die!!! That's when Ben shot back "YOU'RE MINE! Take all the time you need." We get to see the new hatch The Tempest, which is where Goodwin used to work and it's what powers electricity to the whole island. Dan and Charlotte were working away, when Juliet pointed a gun at Dan! Charlotte came from behind and her and Juliet broke out into a fight! Dan was trying to type in some coding into the computer and 1 second before it went off; they were able to stop the gas! Juliet asked why they stopped it, and Dan said they were going to save them all from Ben. They wanted to make sure he couldn't use the gas to kill everyone. They were actually doing good! Jack and Kate finally got to The Tempest and found Juliet coming out with Charlotte. Kate and Jack pointed their guns at them, but Juliet told them to stop. She was wrong about them and they were helping them. Charlotte apologized to Kate, and took Kate into the hatch to let her see what Dan did. Jack stayed out with Juliet and he wanted to know what was going on with her. Juliet explained that Ben thinks she is his and will do anything to keep it that way. Including killing anyone she cares for! Jack then feeling sorry for her, kissed her! And said that Ben could come and get him, and he hugged Juliet.
Episode 4.7 "Ji Yeon"
A Sun and Jin Episode
Jin and Sun were talking about baby names. Sun was very scared to talk about it because of her knowing she could die, but still wouldn’t tell Jin. However, Jin said he thinks the baby is a girl and wants her named Ji Yeon. Sun took it into consideration and lightly smiled. Sun and Jin later went to talk to Kate since she came back. They asked her if they could trust Dan and Charlotte, and Kate told them what Charlotte did to her. But also told them about what happened at the Tempest. Sun realized that they seemed to be delaying rescue and doing their own missions! Sun then went to talk to Dan. She introduced herself to him and told him she was pregnant. Dan didn’t understand why he told her, but Sun said if she didn’t get off, she was going to die. Dan felt a need to help her, but it would be up to their employer what happened next. Jin meanwhile, had a conversation with Jack, and Jack noticed his English was improving greatly. When Jin said Sawyer wasn’t much help teaching, Jack laughed and said “I bet”. Sun then came over and Jack asked how her pregnancy was going. Sun told him her morning sickness stopped, but Jin started to notice Sun and Jack seemed to be hiding something from him. Sun then pulled Jin aside and told him to grab enough food for 2 days. They were going to go to Locke’s camp! Juliet then went to Sun’s tent to see how she was and noticed she was packing! Juliet asked her what she was doing and she said about going to Locke’s camp. Juliet told her that she will die if she stays there, but Sun wouldn’t listen. Later, Kate drew Sun and Jin directions, but Juliet came back over. She told Sun that they need to stay. Jin didn’t understand what was going on, but Juliet told them in 3 weeks Sun will die if she stays! Jin was stunned, but still said that he needs to go with Sun. That when Juliet said “Sun had an affair with another man before the crash”! Sun turned around in shame, and Jin was shocked! He then took his things and went back to the beach, leaving Sun angry. She then slapped Juliet for what she did. Sun tried to talk to Jin again, but he wasn’t listening to her. He just grabbed his fishing gear and started to leave. Bernard walked over and asked if he could going Jin, but then noticed Sun was crying. He started to apologize, but Jin said he could come with him. Jin and Bernard ended up having a great conversation about their wives while fishing on Karl‘s boat. Bernard told him that Rose has cancer but this island cured her. Jin then asked him why he chose to stay with Jack, and Bernard said it was the right choice. It was karma. That’s when Jin caught a fish, and Bernard said Jin made the right choice. Juliet then came back to talk to Sun and apologized. She just wanted to help get her off. Sun and her baby are her patients and she doesn’t want to loose anyone else. Sun realized what she meant and said she was sorry too. That night, Jin came back to Sun and said that he forgave her for what she did. This island brought them closer and he still loves her. Sun started crying and thanked him. Jin then asked and need to know the truth if the baby was his. Sun then told him yes! Jin was overjoyed and hugged Sun close telling her she would never loose him! Meanwhile on the boat, Frank gave Desmond and Sayid some food, but it was just cans of Lima beans. Sayid asked what happened, and Frank told him something bad happened in the kitchen. Then they asked Frank to meet with the ships captain. Both Sayid and Desmond were starting to wonder what really is going on with the boat. Later, they got a note slid in the door! It’s said “Don’t trust the captain!” The doctor then came to get Sayid and Desmond to see the captain. As they got on deck, they noticed Regina, the woman from the satellite phone, dressed in chains and she jumped off the boat! No one really went to help her, and they asked why, and that’s when Captain Gualt came down and told them this keeps happening. People get “cabin fever” on this ship. Sayid asked who was in charge of this boat, and the captain said Charles WIDMORE! Desmond was shocked! The captain then took them down to his quarters and said he needed to show them something. They had Oceanic Flight 815’s black box recorder! He said they really did find the wreckage and 324 dead bodies, but it was all STAGED! That’s one of the reasons they wanted Ben! They think BEN has something to do with it! The doctor then took Sayid and Desmond to their new room, but there was BLOOD smeared on the wall! He was mad it wasn’t cleaned up and called over the janitor Kevin Johnson to clean it up! The janitor was reluctant at first, but then he wheeled it over. That’s when we saw Kevin was really MICHAEL! Sayid and Desmond played along and pretended like they didn’t know him at all!
Jin actually had a flashback. It seemed like he was in a hurry to get to Sun having the baby. He bought a panda, and the taxi got stolen because he lost his cell phone down the drain pipe. So he went back to get the one last panda, but the seller wanted to give him a dragon, since it was the Year of the Dragon! Which looking up that was 2000! Then we see Jin going to the hospital to give the panda but there is a guard at the door. The woman who gave birth had a son and the panda was a present from Mr. Paik, Sun’s dad, to the ambassador! The nurse then asked if Jin was going to have one soon, but he said he had only been married for 2 months!
Sun actually had a flashfoward, so while packing for somewhere she was having really bad labor pains! She called the squad and was taken to the hospital! They knew she was one of the Oceanic 6, and Sun asked for Dr. Paik! But they weren’t there, so she had a different one. Sun was scared and they took off her wedding ring and she was reluctant to do so. She started to call out for Jin and wanted to wait till he got there. The labor progressed rapidly and the were going to do a c-section, but then they saw the baby crowing! Sun then pushed really hard, and her DAUGHTER was born! Sun was overjoyed and named her little girl Ji Yeon! Sun then was getting ready and was dressed in black. The doorbell rang and it was HURLEY dressed in a suit! She flew all the way to Korea! Sun asked if the others were going to make it, and Hurley said they couldn’t. Sun nodded and understood. Hurley then went to see Ji Yeon, and said she looked JUST like Jin! Sun asked if he wanted to hold her, and Hurley was nervous but did! Hurley asked if she was ready to go see Jin, and she nodded. Sun, Ji Yeon, and Hurley then went to Jin’s GRAVE! Sun started crying and Hurley stayed silent while she talked. On Jin’s tombstone it said he died on September 22, 2004! Sun then started crying and held Ji Yeon so she could see. She told Jin she had their daughter safely and wanted him to see her. She said she named their baby just as he wanted and that she loved and missed him so much.
Episode 4.8 "Meet Kevin Johnson"
A Michael Episode
Songs: It's Getting Better - Mamma Cass
Sayid and Desmond woke up on the freighter to hear someone getting beaten. They saw Captian Gualt beating 2 crew members who were trying to jump ship. The Captain wanted a stop to all of this. He ordered “Kevin” to clean it up. And as he did, Sayid walked over and told Michael that they needed to talk. Sayid, Desmond, and Michael all met in the engine room to discuss why exactly Michael was back. So Michael finally told them what happened to him and Walt.
We find out that Michael made it back to New York after leaving the island in Season 2. But things went worse for him. Michael was now suicidal. However, every time he tried to, it never happened! He kept surviving, or the guns would malfunction. But while in the hospital, Michael kept seeing LIBBY’S GHOST! Michael also was haunted because he TOLD Walt what he did to Ana and Libby. Walt got so freaked out by Michael that he didn’t want to see him. So Michael had Walt move in with his mother, but she couldn’t call Walt by his real name in public. His mom had no idea that they had been on the island for 2 months. As Michael left, he saw Walt looking at him through his bedroom window. Then another failed suicide attempt, made him meet TOM! He told Michael that Ben had work for him to do!!! And that the island wouldn’t let him die! So Michael went to meet Tom to discuss what Ben wanted. We found out Tom really was gay, and he was one of “the Others” Ben actually allowed to leave the island. Tom sat Michael down and told him what his mission was. They found out that Charles Widmore was coming to the island! Widmore had been trying to find it for years! And when he found out Oceanic 815 was there, he dug up 324 bodies in Taiwan, and found an old plane, and sunk it in an underwater trench so no one could know the difference! Tom even provided Michael a folder with all the info in it as proof! Tom told him that he needed to do this so he could save his friends. These people want to kill everyone in their path to get to the island. It would be Michael’s way of redeeming himself. Michael was convinced and asked what he needed to do. Tom them provided him with the paper to become Kevin Johnson and work on the freighter! Michael then boarded the freighter and met George, Naomi, Miles, and Frank. He found out Frank was originally the pilot of Flight 815, and he had a feeling there were survivors and the “finding” was a cover-up. Michael didn’t say anything, but he knew. He got a phone call from Tom before boarding, who told him that he needed to start killing everyone on the boat! Michael tossed the phone and found the package that was shipped to him. Tom said to open it in a few days. Michael also saw that some of the men of the freighter were practicing shooting machine guns! This scared Michael even more of what’s to come. So Michael opened up the package and inside was a BOMB! He took it to the engine room and before he pressed the timer, LIBBY’S GHOST warned him not to! However, Michael did, but nothing happened! Just a note popped up saying “Not yet”! Then George came and told Michael that he had a phone call from someone named Walt! Michael was shocked and hurried to the phone. However, it was BEN! Ben reminded Michael what he needed to do. He had to cut the communications, stop the engines, and start killing the freighter people. Then Michael could get wanted. He could die! Michael asked why Ben wanted innocent people killed. But Ben said, that they were bad. And Michael was one of the “good guys” now!
Michael was done telling his story. But Sayid got even more angry! Desmond told Sayid to stop, but Sayid dragged Michel to Captian Gualt’s office! Sayid then turned Michael in as a spy for Ben, and that he was originally one of the Oceanic 815 survivors!
Locke held a meeting for his camp and told them all about Michael being Ben’s spy! Everyone was shocked! Sawyer didn’t understand how that happened, and Hurley and Claire were freaked out a little. Miles was even brought in to explain about how they were after Ben, but they were trying to find the island. After the meeting broke up, Ben took Danielle, Alex, and Karl aside and told them that they needed to leave. There was some really bad people coming who would kill them all. Alex asked why Claire, Aaron, and Hurley weren’t going, but Ben said they would be more welcome at The Temple! And that they would love to kidnap Ben’s daughter. So the three of them left and were on their way, when suddenly Karl had a bad feeling. Minuets later, Karl was SHOT! He DIED in Alex’s arms, and Danielle brought Alex aside! She told her daughter that she loved her and they needed to stick together to outrun the sniper! But as they did, Danielle was SHOT! Alex then rose her hands and yelled at the people to stop. She said she was Ben’s daughter and surrendered herself!
Episode 4.9 "The Shape of Things to Come"
A Ben Episode
Hurley, Locke, Sawyer, and Aaron were all playing Risk, saying that Australia is key to the whole game. Meanwhile, Alex’s kidnappers told her to turn off the fence so they could get into the barracks. She did and they made her lead the way. Suddenly, a PHONE rang and Locked when to pick it up. It kept saying the code 14-J! Locke and Sawyer then went to Ben’s house, where he was playing piano and told him what happened. Ben all of a sudden grabbed a gun from the bench and handed it to Sawyer! He said THEY”RE HERE! On the walk back to Locke’s house, Ben told Sawyer to go get Claire. Sawyer asked where Danielle, Alex, and Karl were, but Ben told him that he sent them somewhere safe. They needed to hurry and get into hiding. Hurley grabbed a hold of Aaron, as Locke and Ben barricaded the house. He asked how Claire and Sawyer were going to get in, and Ben said they weren’t! Sawyer then went walking to Claire, and yelled at 3 people to go hide, but they all were KILLED! Gun fire then rang out and Sawyer ran to get to Claire! He got to the house and started to scream for Claire, when a ROCKET hit the house and it BLEW UP! Hurley took Aaron and went in the back of the house. Meanwhile, Sawyer went into the wreckage looking for Claire, when he spotted her under some debris. However, she was ALIVE and only scrapped up! However, when Sawyer checked on her, she said “Charlie?” Meanwhile, Hurley put Aaron in a laundry basket and was preparing to leave, but Locke and Ben stopped him. Sawyer and Claire tried to get in, so Hurley took something and broke the window. Sawyer took Claire to the bedroom to lay her down and keep her back their with Aaron. Sawyer then got real angry with Ben for what was going on, but Ben tried to explain it wasn’t him doing this. Their was a knock on the door, and Sawyer looked. He let Miles in! Miles look completely freaked out and seemed to have no idea Charles Widmore wanted to kill everyone! He said they told him when they got him out to give the walkie to Ben. Ben then talked to the person on the walkie and we see that it’s Keamy from the freighter! He told Ben that what they wanted was him and they needed him to come out. Ben wouldn’t do it, so they brought out Alex! Ben was shocked to see his daughter as a hostage! Keamy let Alex talk to Ben, and she said for him to help her. They killed Karl and Danielle. Ben told Keamy he still wouldn’t come out, and tried to pretend that Alex didn’t mean anything to him. He wanted them to spare her, but instead Keamy KILLED ALEX! Ben was SHOCKED and ENRAGED! Ben then ran to his secret room, and opened a new passage way to a CAVE with hieroglyphics! Locke, Sawyer, Miles, and Hurley were all stunned at what just happened. Claire woke up and Ben came back into the house. He was completely dirty, and said they needed to run as fast as they could the beach! Suddenly they all head THE MONSTER! They all left the house and watched as they saw Smokey come in like a freight train and go after the freighter people! One ever tried running, but Smokey picked him up and dragged him to the trees! Ben has the power to control Smokey! Then they all took off running! Ben then said a tearful goodbye to Alex and told her that he really did love her. At the trees, Sawyer all of a sudden got upset and said he should have never trusted Locke. He was going back to the beach, and Claire agreed and said she was going with him too. Miles did as well because he wanted to get off this crazy place. Hurley wanted too, but Ben said he needed to come with him and Locke. They needed to find Jacob. Sawyer was done with these games and told them to leave. Locke then pulled his gun, and told Hurley to stay! Sawyer then took out his and said “NO”! Hurley then put a stop to it and said he was going to leave with Locke because he’d seen Jacob’s cabin. And they split up.
At the beach, Kate was washing off at the beach when she noticed Jack walking by and she waved at him! Jack smiled too and waved back. Then Kate noticed Jack’s back seemed to be hurting him. Jack went into his tent and took some pills when Kate walked in. Jack told her that he had a bad stomach bug, and Kate told him that cracked worked for her and he was touched by how concerned she was. Suddenly they heard Vincent barking and people yelling! Jack and Kate ran to see what it was, and a BODY washed ashore! It was the DOCTOR from the FREIGHTER! Charlotte and Dan were really shocked to see him dead! Later, Jack tried asking Dan and Charlotte what was going on, but they wouldn’t didn’t know. Kate asked if the phone was working, but Dan said it was broken. But he could send out morose code if they had the right pieces. Kate led the way, and Jack called Bernard over to discuss something. That night, Dan made contact with the boat, and he “said” that they didn’t know about the doctor. However, Bernard spoke up and said that they really said “the doctor is fine. Everything is ok here.” Jack got angry and pushed Dan back against a tree! He asked if they were ever going to rescue them. And Dan replied “No”! Jack got upset and started to walk away, but he doubled over in pain and almost passed out! Kate rushed over and asked if he was ok, and he nodded and walked away clutching his back!
In the future, Ben woke up in the middle of the Sahara Desert, possibly just time traveling, with a cut on his right arm! He had on a Dharma Parka that had the logo of The Orchid Station. Two Arab men came up on horses and pointed guns to Ben! He tried to get them to speak English and help him out. When one of the men came down, Ben grabbed a hold of his gun, and killed them both! Ben then got on one of the horses and took off! Ben then went to Tunisia and was checking into a hotel he had been at before. We found out this flashfoward takes place in October of 2005. That’s when he saw SAYID on the television! He was on the International News because they found out his WIFE was MURDERED! A few days later, Ben showed up in Iraq for NADIA’S funeral! He was taking pictures of some man and Sayid, and Sayid turned and caught him taking pictures! Ben tried to run, but Sayid found him! Sayid was STUNNED to see Ben off the island, and had no idea how he left! He asked Ben what was going on, and Ben replied that he was going after Widmore! He was taking pictures of a man named Bikar, because he was the one who KILLED Nadia in LA in a drive by shooting! Sayid told Ben that he wanted to help. He spent 8 years searching for Nadia, and when he came back they married. Now she was dead, and they needed to pay. Ben was happy and had Sayid in on his plan to get Bikar. So they set Bikar up and Sayid killed him. Ben thanked him for his work and he had to leave to get the rest of Widmore’s workers, he killed his daughter. However, Sayid told Ben he wanted to help him out! Sayid said Widmore had to pay, and he wanted to make sure they did for killing his wife! That’s how Sayid became Ben’s assassin! Ben then showed up in London at a hotel! He made his way up to the penthouse suite, and walked into WIDMORE’S bedroom! Ben woke Widmore up, and told him that he was coming after him. He broke the rules! Alex wasn’t supposed to die! Now Ben was going to come after Penny since he couldn’t kill Widmore! Widmore then looked at Ben and told him that he couldn’t find Penny and that he STOLE the Island from him! And he was going to get it back! But Ben said he would never find it, and that he was going to pay for what he’s done!
Episode 4.10 "Something Nice Back Home"
A Jack and Kate Episode
Songs: Just Like Heaven - The Cure
Jack woke up after Juliet kept calling his name. Juliet told him that he needed to get up and she needed to check on him. He was sick and she had a feeling it was his appendix. She touched the area of his stomach and he winced in pain. Juliet told him that surgery needed to happen fast, or it could rupture. Jack came out to talk to the group who were fighting with Charlotte and Dan over the morose code, when Jack PASSED OUT! They all rushed over to help him and Kate ran over when he saw. She felt his face and saw that he had a fever and needed to get help. He told her he would, but he needed to take care of the freighter people first. Later Juliet decided to get Sun and Jin to go to the Staff and get medical supplies. Dan and Charlotte spoke up about going too, but Juliet didn’t trust them. However, Dan yelled at Charlotte saying if she acted normal they wouldn’t be in this mess. Dan just wanted to help and wouldn’t hurt anyone. Juliet okd it and they 4 of them took off, but Juliet game Jin a gun just in case. Then Juliet sent Rose and Bernard to get a board to use for surgery. Kate asked Juliet what was going on with Jack, and she told her that Jack could die if they don’t take his appendix out! Kate was stunned! Bernard and Rose later talked about Jack and why the Island made him sick. Rose didn’t understand, because normally people were healed. Juliet was prepping Jack for surgery and told him what she was going to do during the surgery. However, Jack was worried since she hadn’t done that in a long time. He decided he wanted to stay AWAKE and watch! Juliet asked how, and Jack said he wanted Kate! She was going to hold the mirror and be there for him. Juliet was skeptical, but agreed to it. Jin, Sun, Dan, and Charlotte found the Staff and went inside. Dan tried to impress Charlotte and Sun picked up that Dan likes Charlotte! Once they got inside, Sun showed Jin the ultrasound where she saw their baby! And Jin promised that he was going to get them off the island! Jin then saw Charlotte smiling, even though they were talking Korean! Kate then walked with Jack as he got ready for his surgery. Jack asked her to be his “nurse” and Kate laughed because she had some experience. Juliet then got everything ready and they started the surgery that night. Bernard numbed the area, but he really wanted to knock Jack out because it was going to hurt a LOT. Kate held the mirror and Juliet began the surgery! Jack started to scream in pain and Kate was crying! Juliet told Bernard to knock Jack out and he did against Jack’s will. Juliet then had Kate leave because she was too emotionally involved. Bernard told Kate later when the surgery was over and that Jack was going to be fine. She was so relieved. Kate walked in there and Juliet said the same. She also told Kate that Jack kissed her! Kate was hurt, but Juliet told her that it didn’t really mean anything to Jack. He really wanted to be kissing Kate! Stunned, Kate thanked Juliet for the surgery, and left. Juliet then told Jack she knew he was awake and he looked at her like he had been caught.
Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, and Miles were making their way back to the beach. Sawyer really didn’t trust Miles, but Miles swore that he had nothing to do with them killing people. He had no idea and wants to get out of this place. Suddenly, Miles heard GHOSTS! He started digging and found Danielle and Karl’s bodies! Sawyer and Claire were totally freaked out! Later, Miles was creepyingly watching Claire, when Sawyer went off on him. He told Miles if he hurt Claire or did anything, he was going to shoot him! They started walking again when suddenly they heard noises! Sawyer got his gun ready, but it was Frank! He told them to hide because Keamy was coming! The 4 of them did as Frank tried to distract Keamy. One of their men was badly beaten up by the monster, and Frank convinced them that no one was there, even as Aaron started to make some noises! Frank saved them! Claire later woke up during the night and saw CHIRSTIAN holding Aaron and rocking him! She was stunned and said “Dad?” Sawyer and Miles woke up the next morning to find Claire gone and Aaron abandoned! And Miles said Claire followed her DAD!
Jack woke up in the future, in his bed as the phone rang. He confirmed his appointment with a physiatrist! He went downstairs to get some coffee, and tripped over a “Star Wars” TOY! He picked up the newspaper and saw that the Yankees sweeped the Red Sox, and it was August 2007! He went back upstairs and heard the shower going! He walked into the bathroom and told the woman good morning and she laid out a razor for him to shave. The woman got done with her shower and Jack got a towel for her. He opened the door and it was KATE! They kissed each other passionately. They were living together happily and were a couple now! Later, Jack was reading Aaron a bedtime story of “Alice and Wonderland”, and Kate leaned in the doorframe to watch. She was so happy to see her boys together. When Aaron fell asleep, Kate talked to Jack in the hallway about how he was a natural at being a dad. Jack smiled and was still a little uncertain, especially since how his father was to him. But he did say the book he read Aaron, was the same one Christian read to Jack as a boy. Kate was so happy that Jack changed his mind to see them and to stay. Jack said he was too, because he belonged there with them! He went over to Kate and told her he loved her and kissed her. Kate kissed him back and he picked her up and carried her off giggling down the hallway! Jack was then working at the hospital a few weeks later along a fellow doctor Erika Stevens. When Jack suddenly saw a man that looked like HIS FATHER! Erika asked if he was ok, and Jack said he was. The receptionist then told Jack he had a phone call from Santa Rose Mental Hospital. A patient named Hurley was asking for him! Jack then went their and Hurley’s doctor told him that he hasn’t been taking his medication. Jack went into Hurley room and he was worse off the ever. Jack asked what was going on, and Hurley said he knew he would come. He asked Jack what was going on, and Jack told him that he moved in with Kate and Aaron. Hurley then said Jack must have gotten over his Aaron issues! Hurley then said that they were all dead. They never got off the island. And Hurley said Jack must be in Heaven, while he’s in hell. Jack asked what was going on, and Hurley told him he’s been talking with CHARLIE for about a year! They sit outside and talk! And Charlie had a MESSAGE for Jack! He wrote it down and told Jack, “Charlie says ‘You’re NOT supposed to be raising him’!” Jack got freaked out and said he needed to take his meds. But Hurley said “You’ll have a VISITOR soon!” Jack came home later, and woke Kate up. He told her that he went to see Hurley and what happened. Kate felt so bad for Hurley and Jack. He told Kate that it had him thinking about the future. She didn’t know what he meant, but Jack turned to her and smiled. He then asked “Will you MARRY me?” He pulled out the ring, and Kate started crying happy tears and said “YES”! They both were SO happy! And he place the ring on her finger! A few weeks later, Jack was looking at X-Rays in his office when the smoke alarm beeped. He went to check it out, and took the battery out. Suddenly he heard someone call his name and his FATHER was sitting there! Erika heard him but he tried to dismiss that he was startled. He then asked her for a prescription for sleeping pills! Erika was skeptical since he and Kate were engaged. When Jack got home he found Kate on the phone talking to someone. She said she could meet them soon when Jack was at work! Jack asked who she was on the phone with and Kate said it was a women from the park whose child Aaron was playing with. However, Jack knew she was lying. Kate then kissed him goodnight and went upstairs. Jack then took the pills with alcohol. Kate then came home the next day to see Jack drinking! He asked her why she got a babysitter and was gone so long. Kate said it was nothing and he didn’t need to know. Jack then got angry and told her to tell him. She shouldn’t be lying. Kate finally gave in and said she was fulfilling a promise to SAWYER! Jack then got livid, but Kate said it had nothing to do between her and Jack. She was checking up on something for him, but it wouldn’t ruin their relationship. Jack told her that Sawyer CHOSE to stay on the island, and that he saved her. Kate said she knows, but she keeps her promises. Then they started to argue about Aaron and that they aren’t supposed to raise him. He needs to be with his REAL mother Claire! Kate told Jack that until he gets better and off the pills and alcohol, he needs to stay away from her son. Kate started crying and Jack said “You’re not even related to him!” Suddenly, Aaron walked in and was crying not understanding why mommy and daddy were yelling! Kate picked Aaron up crying, and Jack walked off crying and left! He turned into his father!
Episode 4.11 "Cabin Fever"
A Locke Episode
Songs: Everyday - Buddy Holly
A teenage red haired girl is dancing around in her room dancing to some 1950’s rock music. We see from her outfit, that this is the 50’s. Her mother is yelling at her because she has been dating a man twice her age. But EMILY doesn’t care. She says she is in love with him. Emily races out of the house, only to be HIT BY A CAR! She’s taken to the hospital where she is alive, and tells the nurse that she’s about 6 months pregnant! The doctors rush her to deliver the baby, and it’s a boy but he’s very tiny. Emily wants to hold her son, but the nurse says they have to take him away because he’s so small. Emily then tells the nurse to name her son JOHN! Emily and her mother then visit John and he’s growing bigger. The nurse said he’s a miracle baby. He’s survived so many infections, but lived through every one of them! Emily at first is happy John is doing better, but her mother isn’t. When the nurse asks if Emily wants to hold her baby, something changes and Emily runs saying she can’t raise John! Emily’s mother is ok with it, and makes plans to give John up for adoption. Suddenly, Mrs. Locke sees a man at the window! It’s RICHARD and it seems like Mrs. Locke knows EXACTLY who he is! Years later, John is about 7. He’s playing backgammon, and his foster sister is annoyed with him. Suddenly his foster mom tells John that someone is here to see him. RICHARD comes thorough the door and is so happy to meet John. He’s says they’ve chosen him to come to a special school! He looks at one of John’s drawings, and it looks like the SMOKE MONSTER killing someone! He then places objects in front of John and tells him to choose which one BELONGS to him!! He places a comic book, The Book of Laws, a compass, a vial of sand, and a knife. Richard studies him as John looks at the objects. John first picks up the sand, and Richard smiles widely! But John puts it down and picks up the compass. But he puts that down too. Then John picks up the knife! But this makes Richard unhappy. That wasn’t what John was supposed to pick! He gets his things and runs out of the room, making John’s foster mom upset. Years later, when John was 16 he was stuffed in a locker, beaten up, and everyone was making fun of him. His science teacher found him and helped him cleaned up. He then told John that he got an offer to go to a summer camp in PORTLAND called MITTLETOS! Dr. Alpert wanted John, since he made a fantastic science project. However, John says he HATES science and that wasn’t his destiny. But his teacher said he used to think the same way. He told John he was destined for greatness as a scientist! But John wouldn’t listen, and told him “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!” When Locke was getting his physical therapy, an orderly came to take him back to his room. The man starts to talk to Locke about how he was hurt and that he could overcome this. We see that his orderly is MATTHEW! He takes Locke to the stairwell, and he gets freaked that he’s going to fall. But Matthew then asks him if he’s heard of a Walkabout! Locke says no and Matthew tells him it’s a spiritual journey at well to find your true self. He says he went on one, and it would do Locke good. Locke says it can’t happen. But Matthew tells him “The next time me meet, you’ll OWE me one!!!”
In the jungle, Locke, Hurley, and Ben are walking trying to get to Jacob’s cabin. Hurley asks where they are going, and Locke said he has no idea. Hurley is leading them to the cabin since he last saw it. Hurley gets freaked out as Ben tries to figure out what Jacob wants from Locke. Later, Locke has a dream and meets Horace Godspeed! One of the men Ben killed in The Purge! Horace tells him that he’s building a cabin for his wife and he‘s been dead for 12 years! But then suddenly it starts replaying. But when Locke asks what is going on, Horace turns to him and says if he finds him, he’ll find Jacob! Locke wakes up from his dream and Ben is awake staring at him. Ben tells him he used to have dream too! Locke then takes Hurley and Ben and tells them he knows what to do next. He takes them to the Dharma pit, and tells Hurley that Ben did it too them. However, Ben says it wasn’t him, but “the Others”! Hurley gets confused and Ben tells him that even he had a boss. Locke then find Horace’s body, and in his pocket is blue prints to the cabin he was making! Locke then tells Hurley that he doesn’t have to come with them anymore. He applies saying that he shouldn’t have held him up at gunpoint. However, Hurley says he’s going to stay. He doesn’t want to go running through the jungle with people after them. The 3 then find the cabin, and Ben tells Locke that he should go in alone. He’s now the chosen one. Locke takes off and lights the lantern to go in. Locke then walks in and sees that someone is in Jacob’s chair! Locke asks if it’s Jacob, but the man leans forward. He’s says no, but he’s speaking on Jacob’s behalf! And his name is CHRISTIAN! Christian says they have been waiting for him, and Locke knows what to do now. Locke then hears a noise from behind and shines his light. It’s CLAIRE and she’s smiles at him! Locke doesn’t understand, but Claire says she’s with Christian now. Locke asks where Aaron is, and Christian replies that he’s not supposed to be there! Claire then tells Locke that no one can know that she’s there. Locke then asks what he needs to do to stop the freighter people, and father and daughter share knowing happy looks because Locke asked the right question! Ben and Hurley wait outside and share a candy bar, showing that Hurley has accepted Ben now. Then Locke comes out! They ask what Jacob told him, and Locke says “They have to MOVE the Island!”
On the freighter, Sayid wakes Desmond up, because he hears the chopper landing! The two rush to the deck and see Keamy and his men get off. And the DOCTOR, who was seen dead on the island about 3 days earlier, is STILL ALIVE on the freighter! Captain Gualt tries to talk to Keamy, seeing that something is really wrong with him. But Keamy darts past and goes to Sayid. He asks him where everyone on the island is located at. However, Sayid won’t tell him. Keamy then thinks the Captain was spying for Ben since they knew when they were coming! However, the Captain tells him he had nothing to do with it. But he knows who it is. Keamy and the Captain go to Michael, and Keamy starts to beat him up, while asking if he was Ben’s spy. Michael tells him that he is, and Keamy goes to shoot him! However, the gun doesn’t work! The Captain tells Keamy they still need Michael, since he was the one who destroyed communications. Keamy then goes with the Captain to his quarters, but Gualt is worried that Keamy has the SICKNESS! Keamy says it’s time for their backup plan and pulls out a file! The file has the DHARMA Orchid Logo, and they are going to where Ben will hide his people. They are going to TORCH THE ISLAND! The next morning, they are getting the chopper ready and Sayid starts to wonder what is going on. Gualt comes over and talks to Omar, but he gets interrupted when a MORSE CODE goes off to meet Keamy! The Captain then tells Sayid and Desmond that they have to warn their friends. Keamy is going to kill EVERYONE! And the Captain tells them he’s going to help them get off the boat. Before they leave, Frank went to Michael and helped him up. He said he could have told him that he was an Oceanic passenger. Michael then realizes that Frank isn’t one of the bad guys. As they make their way up to the deck, they pass Keamy getting strapped with a BOMB! Gault then takes Sayid and Desmond to the raft. He tells them to go warn their friends and get them to move. Sayid then gets ready, but Desmond waits. He tells Sayid that he’s not ever going back to the island. He’s staying on the boat to wait for Penny! Sayid then wishes him well and jumps to the raft and takes off to warn everyone! The chopper takes off that night, but not before Frank puts an extra phone in a bag! At the beach, Juliet finds Jack up and walking. She’s worried, but he says he was hungry. Suddenly, they hear the CHOPPER! Everyone runs out and they get excited! However, it flies right over them! Suddenly, something drops and hits Claire’s tent! It’s Frank’s bag and Jack finds the phone! Jack realizes they want them to follow them!
Episode 4.12 "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1"
An Oceanic 6 Episode
Jack decided that the Freighter people were wanting them to follow them, so he decided to go. However, Juliet was mad and told Jack that if he starts bleeding, she’s not going to help him. Jack asked Kate to go help get the guns and get ready to leave, which she did. Meanwhile, Dan got out his notebook and told Charlotte that they were going to start their secondary plan. Charlotte asked what it was, and Dan told her they were going to The ORCHID! The next morning, Jack and Kate were on their way and stopped to take a break. Kate then noticed that Jack’s stitches broke and he was bleeding! Jack told her it was normal, but Kate knows him better. He was lying. Jack started to laugh, seeing that Kate really does pay attention to him. Suddenly, they heard noises coming from the bushes and got their guns ready! But it was just Miles, and behind him were Sawyer and Aaron. They asked where Claire was and Sawyer said they lost her! Kate was shocked, and Jack was visibly upset again. Jack asked how it happened, and Sawyer said Claire just got up and left during the night. Sawyer handed the baby to Kate, and told Jack what happened at Othersvile. Jack was shocked knowing that Locke was right all along. They guys then told Kate to go back to the beach with Aaron. Jack told her to keep the baby safe. Kate left, and Jack and Sawyer teamed up to go after the Freighters! Meanwhile, Sayid finally got to the beach, and told everyone that they had to get off the island! Dan started to make groups of 6, while Juliet told Sayid that Kate and Jack just went to go to the Freighters! Locke, Ben, and Hurley were going to The Orchid. Ben found his hidden suitcase, which included a mirror, binoculars, and crackers. Ben took the mirror, and started to shine it towards something. Locke wondered what was going on, and Ben said they were waiting for a sign and that moving the Island is a last resort. Suddenly, Locke saw another mirror shine back from the hill, and Ben said they could go now. Back at the beach, Kate, Aaron, and Miles finally met up, and Kate told Sun that Claire disappeared. Kate handed Sun Aaron, and told them to get on the boat. They did, as Jin, Dan, and some other castaways left on the boat for the freighter, while Charlotte watched worried for Dan. Locke, Ben, and Hurley finally reach The Orchid, and Ben tells them to stay low. Locke asks why and Ben says the Freighter people are already there, and Ben has a plan! Meanwhile, the boat finally reaches the freighter, and everyone is helped on board by Desmond. Desmond goes back and Michael fixed the engines. Suddenly, Jin and Sun hear MICHAEL! They turned toward him stunned! Jack and Sawyer are walking and Jack catches him up on what went on. Sawyer was shocked to find out Jack needed his appendix removed. They come up on the chopper, and put out their guns. Jack asks for Frank, and he answers back. Jack tells Sawyer to drop his gun, and they walk over to help Frank. Jack explains that Frank is actually a good guy, and they go to help him get out of the handcuffs. Frank is glad that his plan worked so they would find him! Michael then explain to Sun and Jin what happened to him and Walt. Sun asks why he is working for Ben, but Michael says he’s NOT. He’s trying to save them all! And he wants Sun to tell Jin, but Jin says in English that he understands. Suddenly, Desmond comes back and yells at them all! The found something!!! The Freighter is rigged with EXPLOSIVES! Back in the jungle, Kate and Sayid find tracks, but it’s not Jack or Sawyer. Suddenly, Richard walks out of the jungle!!! :O He tries to be calm, but they won’t listen. So he gets the Others to come out and force Kate and Sayid to go with them! Jack, Sawyer, and Frank then go to get the other survivors so Frank can take them by the chopper. Ben then tells Locke to find the switch in the greenhouse, which leads to the REAL Orchid station! Locke leaves, as Ben makes his way to The Orchid. He then surrenders to Keamy, and Keamy tries to shoot him, but the gun won’t go off. The Island won’t let Ben die!
We see 2 military pilots talking about getting ready to land in Hawaii. They then ask a woman named Karen to see if the cargo is ok. Karen goes back and talks to the people to tell them they are getting ready to land and to not be surprised if there are a lot of press there. We see that she is talk to Jack, Kate, Aaron, Sun, Sayid, and Hurley! Karen tells them they don’t have to answer questions, but Jack says for everyone that they are ok with it. Karen smiles and says the press is calling them the Oceanic 6, and leaves. Jack then tries to prep everyone for what’s coming, but clearly they are all in major shock. The plane lands, and the gate lowers to let them out. Hurley comes out first to meet his mom and dad! And Sayid didn’t have anyone to greet him so Hurley introduces him to his parents. Sun then finds her mom and dad waiting for her too, and they all start crying and hugging. Jack then steps out and finds his mom Margo SO happy to see him! Both are crying and Jack smiles as he hugs his mom! However, Kate didn’t have anyone there to see her. So she just held Aaron. The 6 then were seated at the press conference, while Karen told everyone what had happened. Karen said that the plane crashed in the water, and the survivors swam ashore. They were on an island named Membata. She said after 130 days, a raft came ashore with supplies and they were able to get on and land on another island which a photo was taken of! Karen then left and opened it up for the Oceanic 6 to talk. The first question was for Jack and they asked what happened during the crash. Jack said that he felt them all go into the water, and the plane start to fill up. He said they all headed for the emergency exit and swam their way out onto the island. He also said their were originally 8, but 2 died on the island! Another reporter said they all looked really healthy for being on an island by themselves, and Hurley joked asking if the question was for him. Which made everyone laugh. Sun was next and they asked her if her husband was one of the ones who died on island. Everyone all looked at her, especially Jack, and she said no. Jin died during the crash. Sayid was then asked if there were any other survivors, and he said just BOONE, CHARLIE, and LIBBY were the other 3. But they died on the island. They then asked Kate what it was like to give birth on the island! Kate said it was hard, but her and Aaron made it through. When asked Aaron’s age, she said he was 5 weeks old. And the reporter said she must have been 6 months pregnant when she was captured! But Karen said no further questions, because they weren’t going to talk about Kate’s legal issue. They all then left, and Jack told Kate she did a great job lying. Sayid then was told that someone was waiting for him, and it was NADIA! They were SO happy to finally see each other and they kissed! A few months later, Sun went to her father’s company. He was having a meeting because someone bought controlling interest in his company. Mr. Paik had them leave, so he could talk to Sun. He tried to ask how the baby was, but Sun was angry. She told him he is responsible for Jin’s death, and someone ELSE is too! And she said they were going to PAY! SHE BOUGHT the interest, and now they company was her’s too!
Meanwhile, back in LA, Hurley came home from Mr. Clucks, and suddenly no one was there, but he saw a coconut on the floor! Then WHISPERS started! He was freaking out! He grabbed a Jesus figure, and opened the door to attack, but it was just his family throwing him surprise birthday party! Kate and Aaron were there, and she said Jack would be stopping by later. Sayid and Nadia were at the party too, wearing wedding rings showing that they were married. Hurley’s dad then said he had a gift for him! He took Hurley to the garage, and showed him that he restored the Camero! Hurley was excited, and went to go drive it, but suddenly saw the NUMBERS on the odometer! He got FREAKED and actually ran away screaming! Then we see Jack is at a church having a memorial service for Christian. Margo is there and is crying. Kate’s holding Aaron and is encouraging him. Sayid, Nadia, and Hurley are there as well for support. Jack finally is able to honor his father, and says that he truly did love him and misses him. And he hope that wherever his father is now, he is at peace. And his finally says goodbye to him. Margo and Kate are very proud of Jack. Afterwards, Jack and Margo see the guests leave, and Margo hugs Jack and goes home. Kate comes over and tells Jack he did a great job. And Jack thanks her for helping him practice. Suddenly, a blonde woman comes over to Jack. She has an AUSTRALIAN accent, and tells Jack he did a great job. Jack asks how she knows his father, and the woman says, because I’m the mother of his DAUHGTER! Jack is shocked! He tells her that his dad didn’t have a daughter, but she says to check his phone records. The lady said Christian came to Australia to see their daughter. She was in a COMA at the time! Then, Carol tells Jack that the weird thing was, her daughter was ON Oceanic 815! And her name was CLAIRE! Jack is FLOORED to find out Claire is his sister, and Kate is equally shocked as well! Carol then walks over to Kate, and says her baby is beautiful having no idea that Aaron is her grandson!